Physically I was basically unfunctional when I called Dr. Meyers asking for an appointment. I was experiencing severe muscle cramping across my chest, down both sides of my back, up my neck and in my left buttix making it hard to lift, turn my head, or walk. I could feel areas in each of these places that felt hot and inflamed. I needed help finding the cause instead of just treating symptoms. I had been on Celebrex for approximately 6 years and had upped the dose once and wasn't willing to do it again. I stopped taking Celebrex shortly before I reached out to Dr. Meyers. Dr. Meyers started me out on supplements that focused on reducing inflammation, and controlling my body's sugar processing (sugar intake was minimal already) and sent me for blood work to see what we could find out. After 2 months of supplements, she suggested that I remove all night shades from my diet; of...
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Waterleaf Naturopathic Medicine Replied:
Hi Marcia! Your story is incredible, and we're blessed you chose us to be part of it! Thank you for your kind words!
Waterleaf Naturopathic Medicine Replied:
Hi Marcia! Your story is incredible, and we're blessed you chose us to be part of it! Thank you for your kind words!
Marcia Trott gave Waterleaf Naturopathic Medicine a
5 star Review