I don't know who to blame for the multitude of the things that happened to our condo after we incurred smoke damage from the condo next door burning. We are retired and only spend the winter months in our condo in Phoenix, Arizona. The fire occured while we were not there and all of the remediation work was done without us being there or any onsite supervision. 2 1/2 months after the fire we were so fruastrated with the whole situation that we decided to sell our smoke damaged place and move. Realize that we had absolutely nothing to do with this fire but because the fire department did not determine the cause of the fire we along with our insurance company have incurred all of the expenses and aggravations for repairing our own condo.
FRSTeam's part in the remediation work was to clean our soft goods such as all of our clothes, linens, bed sheets, blankets, pillows,...