I came once and Dr. Allred did a great job with taking time to understand what was wrong with me, as well as adjusting me. I like how he took time to understand what was going on with my spine before he adjusted me. He was careful and considerate.
My husband and I decided that I need a physical therapist more than anything, so I’m going that route for now. But when I came to him, I felt like he cared about helping me get better.
Body Balance Chiropractic Replied:
Emilee, great to know that you had a great experience in our office. Continued chiropractic care along with physical therapy will give you the best outcome.
Body Balance Chiropractic Replied:
Emilee, great to know that you had a great experience in our office. Continued chiropractic care along with physical therapy will give you the best outcome.
Emilee Pini gave Body Balance Chiropractic a
5 star Review
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