401 Cooper Landing Road Cherry, NEW JERSEY 08002

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I've been on the program for about 3 months and I've lost just under 20 lb and that is with no change in my diet what so ever honestly have not been watching what I eat eating the same things that I always have I just literally have no appetite what so ever other people say they have energy I don't have any energy it has not changed my energy level whatsoever which I was looking forward to that it would but I do love that I don't want to eat I have to remind myself or make myself eat and when you do eat you really don't want to eat as much as you normally would I end up throwing a lot of food out so again I have to remind myself not to take as much food so I don't waste it lol but I definitely recommend this to anybody that wants to lose weight I have no side effects whatsoever only in the beginning for a couple of days I was nauseous other than that smooth sailing! Read more >

Liferx md Inc Replied: Hi Paula, Thank you for sharing your experience with our program! We're thrilled to hear about your success in losing weight without changing your diet. While everyone's experience is unique, we're glad that the medication has helped suppress your appetite and reduce your food intake. We...
Liferx md Inc Replied: Hi Paula, Thank you for sharing your experience with our program! We're thrilled to hear about your success in losing weight without changing your diet. While everyone's experience is unique, we're glad that the medication has helped suppress your appetite and reduce your food intake. We...

Liz C gave Liferx md Inc a 5 star Review

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401 Cooper Landing Road  Cherry,  NEW JERSEY   08002

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