401 Cooper Landing Road Cherry, NEW JERSEY 08002

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I’m53 years old. I started my journey at 220 pounds. I had tried multiple different diets, including intermittent fasting, which is supposed to be good for you. My work schedule didn’t allow me to do much exercising and let’s face it at my age I really didn’t want to exercise. I discovered life RX through social media. I filled out the form. They got back to me within 30 minutes with instructions on what to do next and before I knew it, I was on my way to my weight loss journey. I am able to stop the program now at 165 pounds just five months later and I still feel great. The doctors checked in with me every month to make sure I was still doing OK if I had any questions they were there to throughout the program. Thank you life RX you’re the best. Read more >

Liferx md Inc Replied: Hi Patricia, We're honored to have been a part of your life-changing journey! It's amazing to see your dedication and progress. Our team is committed to providing exceptional support and guidance throughout. Congratulations on your remarkable achievements, and thank you for choosing LifeRx.md as...
Liferx md Inc Replied: Hi Patricia, We're honored to have been a part of your life-changing journey! It's amazing to see your dedication and progress. Our team is committed to providing exceptional support and guidance throughout. Congratulations on your remarkable achievements, and thank you for choosing LifeRx.md as...

Patricia Sanders gave Liferx md Inc a 5 star Review

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401 Cooper Landing Road  Cherry,  NEW JERSEY   08002

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