853 New Jersey Ave SE Washington, DC 20001

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I have been dealing with Dr. Dae and her staff since the end of August 2021. They helped me get the financing I needed to get on her 6 months program. It was supposed to be from September 2021 until February 2022. However, I encountered an Emergency Room visit in early October that resulted in unexpected surgery later that month. I had to recuperate and Dr. Dae's team was supportive and reassured me that we will go through the program when I'm ready. Fast forward to February 2022, I was added to her online course. Her team added me back to their schedule while they worked one on one to figure out what we need to concentrate on. I am Type II diabetic and my blood sugars were out of control in March and hit as high as 366 mg/dL. My previous General Practitioner over prescribed Metformin that resulted in me having NAFLD- NASH. I stopped taking any medication and relied on my... Read more >

Healthydaes Naturopathic Medical Center Replied: Claudeen, you have been on an amazing health journey. I have been so impressed by your resilience and improvement. You are a winner. You show up and make changes and learn new things and share what you learn to help your family be healthy too. You have been willing to do the reset and start...
Healthydaes Naturopathic Medical Center Replied: Claudeen, you have been on an amazing health journey. I have been so impressed by your resilience and improvement. You are a winner. You show up and make changes and learn new things and share what you learn to help your family be healthy too. You have been willing to do the reset and start...

Claudeen Leonida gave Healthydaes Naturopathic Medical Center a 5 star Review


I did Dr. Dae's program in 2019-2020 and have maintained my improved lifestyle and healthy eating. While I was already knowledgeable of some of the nutritional information the easy to follow structure of the program made all the difference. The benefits have been numerous, the biggest being increased energy to engage in prescribed exercise to rid me of crippling back pain. Also, I had always had a weakened respiratory system (asthma) and my diet did not support my respiratory health. During the 4th month of Dr. Dae's six month program I got Covid. Though I was ill I did not need hospitalization, my respiratory system was minimally affected and I recovered in 10 days. I truly believe if I had not had the benefit of participating in Dr. Dae's program my outcome may not have been a favorable one. I recommend this program to anyone who's ready to improve how they feel, look and function. Read more >

Healthydaes Naturopathic Medical Center Replied: Yvonne thank you for sharing your story. It was privilege to work with you. You are such a vibrant person and when we met you were not able to express all of your vibrance. It was a pleasure to design an individualized plan for you to set your plans for your life in full motion. I am so glad...
Healthydaes Naturopathic Medical Center Replied: Yvonne thank you for sharing your story. It was privilege to work with you. You are such a vibrant person and when we met you were not able to express all of your vibrance. It was a pleasure to design an individualized plan for you to set your plans for your life in full motion. I am so glad...

Yvonne Roberts gave Healthydaes Naturopathic Medical Center a 5 star Review

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853 New Jersey Ave SE   Washington,  DC   20001

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