Tate Services takes care of:
Construction Waste, Residential & Commercial! Home clean outs, storage units, demolition of entire houses, old commercial buildings, Wal-Mart sites, industrial! (Cargill-Decatur Al.) Clean-fill loads (concrete, dirt, brick, concrete block) *contact us for specifics! LEEDS JOBS.
Roof jobs, metal, cardboard, Wood.
Compactors and bailers, for shopping Malls, BRIDGESTREET.
Portable Restrooms: crowd overflow for inside events, outdoor weddings, parties, food trucks, chili cook offs, golf events, foot races to car races. Cookouts, pool parties, Jack Allen Soccer complex, NCAA events. Plant shut downs for inventory and Manteince. Handicap units, ADA units, hand-wash sinks.
City events, fairs, carnivals, baseball & softball tournaments, & many more events and...
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