4155 s buffalo Las Vegas, Nevada 89147

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PIF Lending stands for "Pay It Forward Lending". We pay it forward by not charging lender fees and giving our customers the lowest rate possible. Unlike regular lenders, we are Mortgage Brokers and can save our customers thousands of dollars in unnecessary fees while beating the pants off our competitors rates! We believe in people over numbers.


So, check this out. We were looking into buying a home and then the zombie apocalypse kinda happened. Rates were all over the place, lenders were pulling out, the BIG banks were making some incredible changes to their requirements to qualify for a loan, up was down, pandemonium, cats living with dogs, the whole 9 yards. Somehow along the way, we get put in contact with this wonderful soul named Andrew. Answered a few preliminary questions, ran some numbers, and we were off to the races. This gentleman, his team, the entire organization went well above and beyond to help my family secure a loan to buy our home. Every single person in that office deserves high-fives (from a distance, of course), paid staycations with endless Mai-Tais, and just a very very very deeply heartfelt "Thank you!" You guys really did help a dream come true and we thank you from the bottom of...

PIF Lending Replied: Brian, based on your review we feel that Andrew does deserve a vacation now. We used to hit him with sticks every day until he had all the answers to questions like yours memorized, but now we realize he's obviously got that down pat! LOL! 😂 Ok ok....maybe we're just matching humor with humor...
PIF Lending Replied: Brian, based on your review we feel that Andrew does deserve a vacation now. We used to hit him with sticks every day until he had all the answers to questions like yours memorized, but now we realize he's obviously got that down pat! LOL! 😂 Ok ok....maybe we're just matching humor with humor...

RainingLemur gave PIF Lending a 5 star Review

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PIF Lending stands for "Pay It Forward Lending". We pay it forward by not charging lender fees and giving our customers the lowest rate possible. Unlike regular lenders, we are Mortgage Brokers and can save our customers thousands of dollars in unnecessary fees while beating the pants off our competitors rates! We believe in people over numbers.