I’ve been on this program for six months. I’m down 40 lbs and I feel so much better than when I started. These people are awesome. If I get busy and forget to check in, they holler at me to make sure I’m doing well. I’m where I want to be with my weight and titrating down but my appetite hasn’t gone up. The way I used to eat is staying in the past. And the compliments are a real ego booster.
Thanks guys for what y’all have helped my accomplish.
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Liferx md Inc Replied:
We really enjoy having you part of the LifeRx.md family! You are doing an amazing job. Keep up the awesome work, you can do it!
Liferx md Inc Replied:
We really enjoy having you part of the LifeRx.md family! You are doing an amazing job. Keep up the awesome work, you can do it!
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5 star Review