I had heard great things about the program and decided to enroll my youngest. Oh, how I wish my older kids had had this program! I have to say, I have NO musical ability. I don't play an instrument and my singing is terrible, I cannot carry a tune. So I was a little concerned over being able to help my guy out. First of all, Brooke Cook is amazing! She has a ton of enthusiasm, she is great with all the kids and their quirks, she is extremely patient, and she clearly loves music. He has learned SO much. As we are finishing up his 3rd year, I can honestly say I had no idea how much he would learn and be able to do, and how much I would learn! I now look at music and have a clue. It is amazing to see my son read notes, know rhythms, know chords, know both the bass and treble clef and be able to play with both hands. He has at times heard music in different places and commented on it...
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