My granddaughters have been at Leafspring School at Ballantyne since they were old enough to be in the infant class. The older is now six and in kindergarten. You can tell she was well-prepared for school by the teachers at Leafspring. She is able to access all of the academics and is very socially able, as well. She loves going back to “school” on teacher workdays and that says a lot. The younger is now three and I can already tell that she will be ready for school when the time comes. They both have also participated in dance, soccer, summer camp, and other activities while attending Leafspring. I also have to praise the “get well” place. There were many days my daughter and her husband would not have been able to work without it and the girls both love going to “get well”. As a retired teacher, I recommend Leafspring to anyone who wants the best for their child or grandchild. The...
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