Plain and simple: It it! I've been trending up for 30 years, since grad school. Started grad school at 172.....ended grad school around married, kids, job, etc...slowly but surely landed at 270+....type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, snoring, pain in the knees and back, sleep too much on was slipping away in a morass of french fries and cheeseburgers! They I saw a buddy at work...lost a TON of weight in not a very long time...I poked my head in...what are you doing? He told me: BreakthroughM2. I had tried EVERYTHING...weight watchers, nutrisystem, exercise, Atkins, my own diets...whatever....but I kept creeping northward. My work friend said it works, and it's not that difficult...and you'll see improvement nearly every I jumped in...and so did my wife who suffered from the same trends....4 months later I'm down nearly 100lbs...