Karen is an amazing teacher of all things "real estate".
I attended the Bohler Institute to obtain my real estate pre-licencing in 2005. Her classes were taught and presented in a way that made the information and test preparation simple and easy to comprehend, even for a terrible "test taker" like myself.
I was able to pass her exams easily and go on to take my AZ real estate licence exam, where I was the 1st one to complete and pass the exam, just like I was sitting in here class test prepping!
I highly recommend anyone looking to obtain thier AZ real estate license to utilize Karen @ Bohler Institute in Lake Havasu City!
I always think back to the classes I took with her as the reason I am successful. Thanks for getting my career off to a good start Karen! ~HavasuLew
Bohler Institute Replied:
You're so nice Lew! Thank you!
Bohler Institute Replied:
You're so nice Lew! Thank you!
Lew J gave Bohler Institute a
5 star Review
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