Earnest in their dispositions; they all just seemed intent on getting the job done sans arrogance or inefficiencies. I never felt that I couldn't call and ask questions because their mannerisms never wavered from being professional and courteous. I realized after the process was over how much I had come to trust them and I would not hesitate to recommend them to others. I would go so far as to characterize them as "good people". Their courtesy and professionalism was much appreciated.
American Home Buyer Replied:
Thank you Ms. Barragan for allowing us to purchase your home. We are so glad it all worked out in the end, and you were able to get a "Clean" curbside closing at our title company!
American Home Buyer Replied:
Thank you Ms. Barragan for allowing us to purchase your home. We are so glad it all worked out in the end, and you were able to get a "Clean" curbside closing at our title company!
Inbox9274 Gmail gave American Home Buyer a
5 star Review
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