951 W Pipeline Road Hurst, TX 76053

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I can't say enough great things about how much better I feel since going to Jeff Rau Physical therapy!! I had been experiencing pain off and on with my jaw for several years. I had pain when I would chew my food (all on the left side), when I would try to open it fully (to yawn or eat a big hamburger 🤗) and it was painful to the touch. That, in turn, caused me to have a sharp ear pain! After determining that nothing was wrong with my ear, I called my dentist, as I figured it was TMJ. He referred me to R & R Physical therapy. The physical therapist, after a thorough evaluation of my symptoms and an examination of my jaw, determined that my jaw was misaligned! Over several sessions he has done some manipulations and some therapy and I am happy to say that I am pain free!!! 🙌 He has also worked on my shoulder and neck muscles (if those are tense, it makes your jaw tense) and I have...

R&R Physical Therapy Replied: Faye, Thank you for your kind words! We are so happy, but not surprised that you had positive experience and have been able to get back to your normal activities without worry, pain or having to do surgery!! We love that we were able to provide you with an amazing experience. Looking forward to...
R&R Physical Therapy Replied: Faye, Thank you for your kind words! We are so happy, but not surprised that you had positive experience and have been able to get back to your normal activities without worry, pain or having to do surgery!! We love that we were able to provide you with an amazing experience. Looking forward to...

Faye Lancon gave R&R Physical Therapy a 5 star Review

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I have been dealing with chronic neck and shoulder pain for several years. The discomfort and pain was causing me stress in much of my life activities. I work as an occupational therapist in a hospital, which requires I do a lot of lifting several days a week, and was stressed I was not going to be able to do my job as well if the pain continued. I also was having pain lifting and caring for my toddler. I even had stopped exercising because anything I did seemed to make it worse. As a therapist myself, I thought I should be able to fix it, but obviously cannot observe exactly what my body was or was not doing to cause the pain and alignment issues. I am so glad I finally went though, because I’m now feeling better than I have in years and finally feel like I can get back into doing the active things I love! Jeff used manual techniques and laser treatment for my sessions, which...

R&R Physical Therapy Replied: Amanda I am so glad you found the solutions you were looking for to help you get back to taking care of your family and to not have to worry when you are caring for people at work. Thank you for what you do in the hospital, you were a great help to my Dad... and a very kind caregiver. Also...
R&R Physical Therapy Replied: Amanda I am so glad you found the solutions you were looking for to help you get back to taking care of your family and to not have to worry when you are caring for people at work. Thank you for what you do in the hospital, you were a great help to my Dad... and a very kind caregiver. Also...

Amanda Campo gave R&R Physical Therapy a 5 star Review

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951 W Pipeline Road  Hurst,  TX   76053

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