8998 Caballero Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737

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"QuikDry" is a small local independent company that is run by Mike and Dina Pollock. We've been around since 1996 and our main area of service is Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Fontana, and surrounding areas. In 1999 we ran six vans everyday and after a while we realized we hated it. We never signed on to be professional babysitters! Our technicians, even though we had a few great ones, simply could not perform the same level of service that we pride ourselves on. If a company that runs a bunch of trucks (ran by very inexperienced technicians) is what you are looking for, "QuikDry" likely won't be a good fit for you. On the other hand if you have been down the phonebook and called every large franchise operation and haven't been impressed with the service, "QuikDry" is the type of operation you are looking for. Never any employees or sub-contractors or pricing games or gimmicks....just good old fashioned service and high quality work. "QuikDry" is run very efficiently so we simply don't have to charge as much as some overwhelming cost of being that way on to you! Awesome! On that note please understand that we will not compete with the "bait-n-switchers" on price either. If you have never tried our service, We invite you to join the ranks of my existing clients that are smart enough to utilize "QuikDry" for higher quality work for what is less money most of the time.

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8998 Caballero Drive  Rancho Cucamonga,  CA   91737
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"QuikDry" is a small local independent company that is run by Mike and Dina Pollock. We've been around since 1996 and our main area of service is Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Fontana, and surrounding areas. In 1999 we ran six vans everyday and after a while we realized we hated it. We never signed on to be professional babysitters! Our technicians, even though we had a few great ones, simply could not perform the same level of service that we pride ourselves on. If a company that runs a bunch of trucks (ran by very inexperienced technicians) is what you are looking for, "QuikDry" likely won't be a good fit for you. On the other hand if you have been down the phonebook and called every large franchise operation and haven't been impressed with the service, "QuikDry" is the type of operation you are looking for. Never any employees or sub-contractors or pricing games or gimmicks....just good old fashioned service and high quality work. "QuikDry" is run very efficiently so we simply don't have to charge as much as some overwhelming cost of being that way on to you! Awesome! On that note please understand that we will not compete with the "bait-n-switchers" on price either. If you have never tried our service, We invite you to join the ranks of my existing clients that are smart enough to utilize "QuikDry" for higher quality work for what is less money most of the time.

This business profile is powered by SoTellUs. SoTellUs gets your Five Star customer reviews on sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, BBB, and 100's of other review sites. Video reviews builds consumer trust and confidence. Your customers are looking for five star Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews, BBB reviews, and other 5 star reviews. SoTellUs will give your business the podium you need to share these amazing five star reviews.

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