We sent our Son to NCBA when he was 15 due to rebellion and many other issues. Our home life and our marriage relationship was chaotic and broken. We still had five other children living at home and everyone was walking on egg shells. We realized that if we did not take quick action, our son was going to be dead or in jail and our marriage possibly irreconcilable. Not to mention continuing to do damage to the emotional well-being of our other kids in the home. Making this decision was one of the hardest things that we have ever done as parents but it is probably the very best thing that we have ever done. While at NCBA, he learned self-discipline, boundaries and consequences, He learned to serve others rather than just himself. He learned to do hard things and overcome rather than quit. He learned how to lead and he also learned how to follow. He had struggled in school for years and had even been placed in special education because of his inability to focus and his high energy. While at NCBA he was able to excel in his studies and learn the art of self control. Most of all however, he was completely immersed in God’s Word, learning and living out the Truth that through “Christ he truly is able to do all things through HIM that gives strength”!!!!! In addition my husband and I had the opportunity to participate in monthly training sessions where by we learned better parenting skills and how to establish and enforce boundaries. We also were able to receive counseling and begin healing our marriage relationship. Our Son graduated approximately 16 months ago and is truly thriving! He is making positive decisions, has chosen his friendships wisely and is living a completely new life and loving it! Both him and my husband and I know that without the intervention of the loving staff at NCBA, this would not have happened! The Lord led us to this Spirit filled campus of healing and hope and we are forever indebted and so grateful!