Our son was the very first NCBA intake on September 20, 2014. The year prior to his enrollment, the trajectory of his life pointed in a direction that wouldn't likely end well. At best, he'd have been spared the effect of wayward thinking and lifestyle but never reach his full potential. The decision to upend all he knew and send him to NCBA was for us both excruciatingly painful as it was God's perfect solution. It came with no guarantees of a happily ever after ending, the restoration of all that'd been damaged in the parent-child relationship. But it did come with complete assurance of God's faithfulness to use the 15 months for our good and His glory.
Entering NCBA as an incredibly angry and conflicted young man, our son surrendered and made a decision to accept Jesus as His Savior in the 13th month and gave public testimony to that during a morning worship service at a church in Newton. We were overcome with joy at God's goodness to reach his hard heart. While, at this point in his life, he's returned to living in ways that have not been God-honoring and chosen to turn to things of the world in difficulty, we remain relentless in our trust in God to complete the work He began in our son at NCBA.
Our son will graduate from UNC-Charlotte Belk School of Business in May, 2020. Throughout what has amounted to 4 academically rigorous years, he has sought prayer support to sustain him along the way. The light of Christ still flickers inside him. We pray the Holy Spirit will breath on it and set it ablaze.
We believe God will, once again, open the eyes of his heart, remind him of the people and the truths he was privileged to experience during his time at NCBA.