719 E Lake Mead Parkway Henderson, nv 89015

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JunkMan is certainly not the first to offer junk removal services. We are simply committed to being the best the industry has to offer. Our supreme customer service, demolition and quality trash hauling service in Las Vegas set us apart from the competition.

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Friendly, arrived on time and price was within expectations. Great job!

John M gave Junkman a 5 star Review

719 E Lake Mead Parkway  Henderson,  nv   89015

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JunkMan is certainly not the first to offer junk removal services. We are simply committed to being the best the industry has to offer. Our supreme customer service, demolition and quality trash hauling service in Las Vegas set us apart from the competition.

This business profile is powered by SoTellUs. SoTellUs gets your Five Star customer reviews on sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, BBB, and 100's of other review sites. Video reviews builds consumer trust and confidence. Your customers are looking for five star Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews, BBB reviews, and other 5 star reviews. SoTellUs will give your business the podium you need to share these amazing five star reviews.

Learn more about SoTellUs