Virtual integrative oncology practice focused on helping cancer survivors regain their health and prevent recurrence through natural and effective lifestyle and dietary changes.

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I loved Elemental Health's 6-month program as part of my recovery after Stage IV Ovarian Cancer! When I began the program, I was weak with little or no energy or endurance, and my balanced with the time and day. What I thought was healthy eating was at an elementary level. My brain was still fuzzy, too. I can honestly say that I learned so much about my body, nutrition, healing, and exercise. My personal health coach was excellent and supported me through several difficult stages in this new lifestyle--old habits die hard in your seventies! The educational components and Q & A sessions were valuable to hear from the experience of others. Now, after six months, my balance is much better, I have been able to return to my academic work on my dissertation, and I have much clearer thinking, energy, and endurance. I have also returned to guest speaking at churches as a retired minister. I am thoroughly satisfied with my experience with Elemental Health and would whole-heartedly recommend it to any cancer survivors and even to their caregivers. My husband's health suffered from the stress of my illness, and he enrolled and completed the program, too, so we were able to do it together--plus he learned to cook in an entirely new way--and that was a bonus!

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Verna Eileen D gave Elemental Health Optimal Wellness Counseling, LLC a 5 star Review

Virtual integrative oncology practice focused on helping cancer survivors regain their health and prevent recurrence through natural and effective lifestyle and dietary changes.

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