508 Vernon St. Roseville, California 95678

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Dr. Funk specializes in finding a personal program of pain relief for people who have had recently or in the past sports/ work or car accident injury. Dr. Funk offers gentle specific adjustments and rehab to your entire body, neck, mid and low back, ribs, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet.

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Hi everyone, Id like to start off by saying Dr. Funk is the man! I have been out of work for a month with a pinched sciatic nerve. I went to Kaiser early on and they only prescribed me pills and physical therapy. They had me on 4-5 different medications. Nothing was working. I went in yesterday to his office in Old Roseville.
I filled out some standard paperwork, and I was on my way to the roller table. It felt amazing. After that, I went to the lower back stretching table. That felt good. He then hit me with THE LASERS! After that, I got adjusted. He then offered to loan me a back brace and a TENS unit to shock the spot in my buttocks that was preventing me from walking correctly. I used it all night, and it worked. I woke up this morning to being able to stand up straighter and walk better. A couple more visits and I'll be right! Super affordable too. A few times to him for... Read more >

Dr. Funk Chiropractic Replied: Mitchell - thank you for review. Kaiser system is great for many situations of heart diseases and infection. As for physical medicine and getting motion to the joints and relieving pain that system very rarely works for a condition like yours - My philosophy is get the patient better as fast as...
Dr. Funk Chiropractic Replied: Mitchell - thank you for review. Kaiser system is great for many situations of heart diseases and infection. As for physical medicine and getting motion to the joints and relieving pain that system very rarely works for a condition like yours - My philosophy is get the patient better as fast as...

Mitchell Haley gave Dr. Funk Chiropractic a 5 star Review

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508 Vernon St.  Roseville,  California   95678

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Dr. Funk specializes in finding a personal program of pain relief for people who have had recently or in the past sports/ work or car accident injury. Dr. Funk offers gentle specific adjustments and rehab to your entire body, neck, mid and low back, ribs, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet.

This business profile is powered by SoTellUs. SoTellUs gets your Five Star customer reviews on sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, BBB, and 100's of other review sites. Video reviews builds consumer trust and confidence. Your customers are looking for five star Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews, BBB reviews, and other 5 star reviews. SoTellUs will give your business the podium you need to share these amazing five star reviews.

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