I sit in a school zone everyday, and every single day you can watch the bambini van speed through the school zone. It has been reported to the school and Edmonton police. Unfortunately getting the license plate number is almost impossible at the rate of speed the van is travelling. I will try and record the van. If your kids are being picked up from school on the hamptons area, west end of Edmonton, take caution as the driver they may be with is extremely unsafe, travelling at least 60km per hour in a 30km school zone. It has been reported.
I received a very quick response to my review and upon letting the managing team know about the problem they quickly solved it. They also followed up with me to ask if I had noticed a change in the drivers through the school zone.
I will say that not every business does this, and I will commend Bambini for doing...
Bambini Hamptons Replied:
At Bambini, we strive for excellence. We, like the children, are always learning and growing. We have multiple van routes and we would like to address this concern as soon as possible. Knowing what school zone you’re describing would be helpful.
We would appreciate it if you could contact us at...
Bambini Hamptons Replied:
At Bambini, we strive for excellence. We, like the children, are always learning and growing. We have multiple van routes and we would like to address this concern as soon as possible. Knowing what school zone you’re describing would be helpful.
We would appreciate it if you could contact us at...
Tracey O. gave Bambini Hamptons a
5 star Review
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