180 Memorial Drive SW Atlanta, GA 30303

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My daughter started attending ASOE in December of 2019. We made a switch to this daycare because of its central location to my work and home. I was also concerned about the lack of education and stimulation my child was receiving at her previous daycare.

Upon enrolling, we immediately were made to feel important and a part of the school. Ms. Maddox was there to greet us at the door on our first day and even gave me a small gift as a token of appreciation.

At first my 3 year old was unsure of what to think of her new environment, but she adjusted quickly and has loved her school ever since. What I appreciate most about this school is the level of concern that Ms. Maddox and Ms. Givens show to every family. When we step into the building, every teacher / grandmother volunteer greets us with a warm welcome by name.

Most importantly, my child's day is packed with creative, educational activities. There is not a second where the students are left with nothing to do (this was a major concern for me at her previous school, as this creates chaos in the classroom). I also appreciate that the school makes an effort on a regular basis to encourage parental involvement through fun projects and homework assignments. Though she and her classmates are only three and four years old, the teachers still provide advanced-level education that is still age appropriate. Every Wed. the kids take Spanish, and they regularly get science and history lessons, and are expected to stand up and present during Show 'n' Tell.

I love the level of detail put into ensuring that my child has a well-rounded learning environment. For example, the students are expected to sign in each day so that they learn to recognize their names. The teachers are also required to read a minimum of two books to the students each day.

The kids are provided with fresh cooked, healthy meals each day (not anything from a can or that contains a bunch of sugar). Overall, I love ASOE. I have not had any major concerns with this school's operations.

This is the best decision that I could have made for my child and her future.

Lauren F gave Atlanta School of Excellence a 5 star Review

180 Memorial Drive SW  Atlanta,  GA   30303

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