SIX (6) STARS!! ...for Eilene Webber! There was nothing standard about the finding and purchase of a home for our daughter and grandson, especially when the 'clock was ticking' to make it happen. At times it seemed nearly impossible. Eilene navigated, negotiated and nudged whenever and whereever needed at just the right time in just the right way. Wow...talent, experience and the resource to make it happen. Now that's value. That's serving BIG. We're grateful (and blessed) to have had her with us. What an adventure and what a happy ending. THANK YOU!
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Replied:
Wow, thank you for such an amazing review! It’s incredible to hear how Eilene’s talent, experience, and dedication helped make a seemingly impossible situation possible. Your six-star rating and heartfelt gratitude truly highlight her exceptional service. I’m so glad to hear about the happy...
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Replied:
Wow, thank you for such an amazing review! It’s incredible to hear how Eilene’s talent, experience, and dedication helped make a seemingly impossible situation possible. Your six-star rating and heartfelt gratitude truly highlight her exceptional service. I’m so glad to hear about the happy...
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