At first it was confusing to follow who was credit advisors, who took the money from my account, and then which agency had my case. It was scary to receive a letter from the court saying that they were taking me to court. And not too much reasurrance it was going to be taken care of by legals dept. Then to find out there is a last minute required court fee to be paid in order for your legals department to take care of it. If it wasn't for a wavier approved I would be standing in court and most likely loose my case and financial havoc worse than it is now would happen. Doing everything by computer is also a sham. Too many scammers to trust an email, or phone call. I am a senior citizen who did not grow up with computers and understanding them is not my fortea nor interest. Very scary process. Having stated this I am glad there is a place to go to in times that get hard. I lost my...