2 Ladies & a Bucket Rock!!!!! I have always dreamed of having my house cleaned and with the holidays coming up and so much going on I thought I would finally take the leap and look for a good cleaning company and I turned to the Nextdoor app because who better knows all the best places than your neighbors?! Not only did 2 ladies & a bucket keep showing up with positive reviews but they even won an award for being the best so I took the leap and called to see if I could get an appointment. I spoke with Sandy and with Lisa and they were wonderful and so helpful answering all of my questions. In just a few easy minutes I had officially booked my first ever cleaning! I couldn’t wait to experience how the other half live HA! Enter Kathy and Aimee (my 2 assigned ladies) they showed up and had everything needed to tackle the job. I showed them around and went to my office and let...
Two Ladies & A Bucket Replied:
Thank you Rebecca! Thank you for sharing and for being wonderful source of encouragement to Aimee and Kathy! Its a pleasure ro serve you!
Two Ladies & A Bucket Replied:
Thank you Rebecca! Thank you for sharing and for being wonderful source of encouragement to Aimee and Kathy! Its a pleasure ro serve you!
Rebecca Lower gave Two Ladies & A Bucket a
5 star Review
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