I am young, and I started out fairly healthy and with the knowledge of healthy habits, but this program was still incredibly helpful and a great aid in building my own healthy life style as I moved out on my own. My parents cooked healthy food from scratch for all of my life, so I knew what healthy food was, and all my favorite foods were vegetables, fruits, lean meats, etc. Even still, living on my own I was slipping into bad habits and I did not have a hold on how to be healthy for myself on my own. I knew I was about 10 lbs overweight, and I could feel myself slipping at work and at home. I would eat a lot of unhealthy food even though I knew better. With this program, and with the support and reaffirming education that came with it, I lost the 10 lbs, and I relearned for myself how to cook and eat well with the healthy foods i naturally enjoyed. I had a lot of fun trying new...