I will be 47 yrs old in a matter of days. I'm told all the time that i look early/mid 30's. Problem with that is, how i look on the outside vs how i feel on the inside are two completely different things. I've been married for a decade now, to a wife who is 16 yrs younger than me. I have always worked out through the corse of my life, on and off since i was 14. These days I'd like to tell you that I'm an avid workout enthusiast, but i wouldn't be telling the truth. I satarted taking Test Stack almost 2 yrs ago, and have relied on it ever since. Truth be told, it is used by me to more tokeep my 30 yr old wife satisfied than for muscle building . Because at 47, i felt mytestosterone levels quicly declining. But my love life couldn't be better, after over a decade of marriage, and no doubt, without Test Stack i truly believe that wouldn't be the case. And for not having worked out in...