I found the Sunrise Wellness Center one day when I was online snooping around trying to find someone to help with the neuropathy in my hands & feet. Being a 58 year old male, recovering from Stage 4 Lymphoma, & 12 chemo treatments, the one thing I couldn't lose was the neuropathy. I saw the video online of Dr. Ronald Sinagra & Dr. Weinstein. It hit me between the eyes, BINGO ! that's exactly the kind of doctor's & place I was looking for. I met with Doctor Sinagra during my initial consultation. I liked everything I heard, went for my bloodwork. Well lo & behold it came back I was Type 2 Diabetic, Leaky Gut Syndrome, & Auto Immune Deficiency. Which all caused my Cancer & neuropathy. I knew I needed to lose weight I was immediately put on the Paleo Diet, changed my whole way of eating, & lifestyle. I've only been doing this a month now but already lost...
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