Likes: Fast Install, long roof life.
Dislikes: Ice guard is a simple bent strip that causes leaf and debris build up that requires you to have to go on your roof and clean. The value of this option is nowhere near the cost. The wrap around edge trim is formed to go over existing T channel which reduces the metal roof install labor. This causes the metal roof to protrude over the gutter and reduce gutter performance.
Steel Master Roofing Replied:
Thank you for your honest review.
We try to always fully explain the process we use to install our metal roofs. We also try and bring up the pros and cons of things such as ice rail.
We apologize if we didn't cover these items in enough depth. We will use this review to improve our process....
Steel Master Roofing Replied:
Thank you for your honest review.
We try to always fully explain the process we use to install our metal roofs. We also try and bring up the pros and cons of things such as ice rail.
We apologize if we didn't cover these items in enough depth. We will use this review to improve our process....
Kevin OBrien gave Steel Master Roofing a
4 star Review
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