We create education and entertainment to promote the evolution of consciousness.


I've been following the Spirit Science Channel for a long time. I'm not really sure how long, maybe more than 5 years or so. I do remember that one of the first things that caught my attention was Patchman. I loved it! :) I guess it was because I've always been in love with animations, cartoons and Anime. The second thing that always clicked with me was the easy way on how Jordan River (Patchman) explained things to me in a very sweet and short way. I felt so identified with the way he did it.
I've watched the channel grow and add on other things that I also love! Like the Spirit Mysteries School, which at some point I signed on a trial but because of personal decisions couldn't afford to pay for the long term. I do however, intent to go back to buy the subscription pretty soon I pray! I've learned so much from Jordan and his team of beautiful souls who work tirelessly to... Read more >

Spiritverse Replied: Heya Marcela! We're so grateful to hear from you and to hear what an impact we've made on each others lives! Indeed, we've found that cartoons and animation, when mixed with interesting material, is a great way to learn for any age. There's a child like nature to the universe, and to each of us...
Spiritverse Replied: Heya Marcela! We're so grateful to hear from you and to hear what an impact we've made on each others lives! Indeed, we've found that cartoons and animation, when mixed with interesting material, is a great way to learn for any age. There's a child like nature to the universe, and to each of us...

Marcela Chaves gave Spiritverse a 5 star Review

We create education and entertainment to promote the evolution of consciousness.