We create education and entertainment to promote the evolution of consciousness.


As my physical body was aging in the 3D, my soul was always eager to return home. I raised my vibrations and I attracted "Spirit Science" channel on YouTube. Back then, I was in Lebanon and a teenager. The internet is usually slow and you barely have enough data per month, yet a miracle happened and my phone's internet data became unlimited, no extra charges to pay, so I started watching Jordan's videos, it was a series where I learned a lot about crystals, Astral projections, chakras and meditation. This opened my 3 eyes (lol) into a whole different perspective. I gained so much knowledge snd wisdom and it made me dig deeper throughout the year. Today, I am 26, and I still watch Jordan's videos and I participated in many of his online workshops and courses. I am so happy to see the new addition to the team which brings the divine feminine aspect. Spirit Science and Spirit... Read more >

Spiritverse Replied: Amazing Leo. That's incredible how Spirit guided and gestured its way to help you connect with us and our content. We're so glad you utilized its gifts and found the way towards experiencing for yourself the phenomena that we aim to portray to the world. Glad you're part of this community :) It's...
Spiritverse Replied: Amazing Leo. That's incredible how Spirit guided and gestured its way to help you connect with us and our content. We're so glad you utilized its gifts and found the way towards experiencing for yourself the phenomena that we aim to portray to the world. Glad you're part of this community :) It's...

Leo Twin Flame gave Spiritverse a 5 star Review

We create education and entertainment to promote the evolution of consciousness.