We create education and entertainment to promote the evolution of consciousness.


Hello all,

We are Jo&Co. We have a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder and are a sum of all our parts. It doesn’t define us, but it does make life complicated, confusing and we need a bit of support to keep things ticking over. Our body is 45 and we’ve had many years of figuring stuff out, through specialist therapy and well, life. We are not a ‘Hollyweird’ trope, cosplayer or actor, but developed through traumatic early experiences. You couldn’t make up the things we’ve lived through. Obviously, it is an uncomfortable thing to be so publicly open about our experiences and life and we’re not about to start sharing our internal structure/ Alters or the personal history of our development in a public arena. That being said, we would always advocate and identify for/with the misunderstood, neurodivergent, gender divergent, downtrodden, abused, confused, out of... Read more >

Spiritverse Replied: Jo&Co, you're absolutely amazing. To all of us and our diverse experiences on this planet, in this timeline... going through the lessons divinely orchestrated for us to shine our light in a different way than all the rest... We're honored to be part of your journey, and to have you as part of...
Spiritverse Replied: Jo&Co, you're absolutely amazing. To all of us and our diverse experiences on this planet, in this timeline... going through the lessons divinely orchestrated for us to shine our light in a different way than all the rest... We're honored to be part of your journey, and to have you as part of...

Jo Holohan gave Spiritverse a 5 star Review


Absolutely love what the guys have been doing over the last decade, connecting people, educating us, helping us to become more open-minded about subjects we usually tend to shy away from. I first started watching their youtube videos in 2013 when I fell terribly in love with my then boyfriend. We would spend hours watching their documentaries, holding each other's hands, feeling the information we were receiving, would change our lives forever. And oh boy, it did! Shortly after discovering Spirit Science, I did a Reiki course, started using crystals, practiced Tai-chi and meditation, read numerous books by C.G.Jung. So happy the guys showed us the way. So I do hope that you too will get from them the things you need. Just don't forget to share your love and appreciation for them, they work really hard! Love, N Read more >

Spiritverse Replied: Nicolas.... You're incredible. Your life is beautiful and omgosh... we're so honored to have been part of your journey for all these years. As you know, we are all connected... through thoughts and intentions.. through the information we align to and circulate through our being... together from...
Spiritverse Replied: Nicolas.... You're incredible. Your life is beautiful and omgosh... we're so honored to have been part of your journey for all these years. As you know, we are all connected... through thoughts and intentions.. through the information we align to and circulate through our being... together from...

Nicolas Azebeokkhay gave Spiritverse a 5 star Review


This year was the year when everything in my life seemed to rush together in one big wave and finally make some sort of sense to me. It was also the year when I came across Spirit Science which enabled me to piece my life puzzle together furthermore with a scientific foundation that made sense in my brain as well as in my heart.

I’m registered blind with a three year old and have had to relearn the basics that we take for granted when we can see. I’ve gained strength however due to the guidance from this as well as starting my own business which is also proving to be successful. All of this I’ve accomplished despite the difficulties and extra challenges because I have worked to understand myself so that I can better understand the influence I have on others and my surroundings. Read more >

Spiritverse Replied: Omgosh... Louise... reading your message brings such an inspiration well of emotion to my heart right now. You're incredible. Absolutely beautiful. And strong as can be. I can tell. You're amazing! We're so honored to have become part of your journey and to have helped make sense of some things...
Spiritverse Replied: Omgosh... Louise... reading your message brings such an inspiration well of emotion to my heart right now. You're incredible. Absolutely beautiful. And strong as can be. I can tell. You're amazing! We're so honored to have become part of your journey and to have helped make sense of some things...

Louise Watling gave Spiritverse a 5 star Review

We create education and entertainment to promote the evolution of consciousness.