I'm a student at the greatest place to learn the fundamentals of wholesaling – The U, where we move differently. This challenge has opened my eyes to what I was and am capable of when I push myself and become unstoppable, moving away from self-destruction. It's helped me be realistic about things in my personal and business life, and I realized that the only thing holding me back was myself. I was comfortable being in the room but not being seen, but I've found my voice on this journey. I realized that people were waiting for me to step into my greatness. Now that I am seen, and I've seen myself grow through this challenge, the only option is to go up from here and close more deals. It's all about finally putting myself first; the door isn't big enough for everyone else right now. Thank you, Coach!! This has been one of the best decisions I've made for (ME)! #UFam 😊🔥