My daughters were among new students when Creative Connexions opened their door, and since then, it is like a second home for them. Words do not do justice to this feeling of a beautiful world that Ms. Rhea has created for my girls. A world filled with fun yet instill the importance of growth, teamwork, good work ethics and giving our children the opportunity to pursue their passion for dance. The studio has also given them a chance to develop a wonderful friendship and to learn valuable life lessons that will serve them well in the future. The teachers are approachable, friendly, and quite frankly, I cannot ask for more. The CC also gives both the dancers and their parents a sense of community and family, and we look forward to many more happy years at CC.
Creative Connexions Performing Arts Centre Replied:
Thank you so much for your kind words, your girls have definitely become our family and we can't wait to spend many more year with them.
Creative Connexions Performing Arts Centre Replied:
Thank you so much for your kind words, your girls have definitely become our family and we can't wait to spend many more year with them.
Joyce Kamau gave Creative Connexions Performing Arts Centre a
5 star Review
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