I have known Darrell Hornbacher all my life. He is an eagle scout, he is a great father to Morgan and their new baby, faithful husband to Blair and a believer in God and the Bible. He is from a small town in Michigan, where we were taught respect and honesty. He has helped out in homeless shelters, he and Blair brought 4 children that were going through hell in their own environment and showed these 4 boys nothing but love and respect. All these children wanted was to be loved and treated with kindness and that is exactly what Blair and Darrell did! As far as his business principals go and what I have read about the Midas Corp. Darrell knows his stuff!!!!!!!! When it comes to business, Darrell is no nonsense-straight forward- pull no punches-hides nothing! To bad mouth Darrell and the Midas Corp is a total farce and should not be believed.