A Private Membership Academy for Homeschoolers that up-levels their life, education and health. Located in Pleasanton, CA.



I love Livewell learning studio for a lot of reasons, let me tell you about a few of them.
I am a single mother to a 16 year old son who has been with Livewell for a little over a year now.
If you are here reading this testimonial then you probably understand the crisis we have in the classroom. Our children aren’t taught to critically think with a public or private education anymore.
I want to tell you about Livewell because it is not typical, and that’s a good thing.
I have seen such incredible growth in my son over the last year it’s hard to capture it all in a review so I will hit the highlights.
My son is thriving socially and is able to speak his truth. He has transformed his mind and body. He has become more independent which has benefited myself tremendously. He has become very goal oriented and is currently crushing those goals. He has... Read more >

Livewell Learning Studio Replied: Lisa, your review and experience means the world to us! Your heartfelt testimonial touched us deeply, and we're truly grateful for your words. Your son's remarkable transformation is a testament to the power of passion-driven education and the incredible potential within each child. It's been an honor to witness his growth, not just academically, but as a confident, independent individual with a passion for excellence. Your description of his journey with Livewell paints a vivid picture of the impact... Read More

Lisa V gave Livewell Learning Studio a 5 star Review

A Private Membership Academy for Homeschoolers that up-levels their life, education and health. Located in Pleasanton, CA.