My children been attending different childcare’s since 2009 (11 years) now So I am a very experienced working mom who depends heavily on quality childcare. This childcare in particular was 1 of my least favorite daycares in Louisville... Me and my children was over promised and extremely underserved.. Ms. Charity seems very pleasant but not easy going at all. Every day was very stressful when it came to doing business with them. Everyday I drop my children off I felt like I was being lectured sometimes 20-30mins at a time, my children complained about how the food they served was very basic not seasoned and was mostly baked chicken, baloney sandwiches and canned veggies. The owner told us about fun events they have every Friday but my children was there for about 1 month and never experienced any fun events..the owner attempted to bring out a bouncer house but when she found out the...
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Azareia K. Hinton gave Kids R Us a
2 star Review