I am an investor and a licensed realtor here in New Jersey for the past 16 years. I have been investing since the 1990's mostly the conventional way for buying properties. I have always had a passion to invest in real estate and became one of those people buying course after course and finally found Joe McCall and his partner Gavin Timms and purchase their Simple Lease Options Course and mad a decision to make this the last course I ever buy and it has been worth every penny. I can't say enough about how learning the material in the SLO course, participating in the weekly coaching call, workshops and 30 day accountability challenges has made this passion of my after all the years a true reality. We are scheduled to close in 30 days on our 1st assignment lease option deal netting us $10K in an assignment fee, and JV'ing with one Joes students that I met on the Facebook page, I'll be...