We have known the owner Jennifer for 3 years. Her business is outstanding! Her staff is carefully selected, highly trained. I , Erica worked there since 2019, and loved every minute there since. She is a caring director toward her staff by meeting their needs and being there when we might need some advice. She has been great at helping me further my education in this field and provides us trainings to help us become more successful in our classrooms. The rooms are always clean, warm and inviting. I am always encourage to think outside the box when it comes to fun activities. Inspiration Station loves learning through literacy, music, creative expression, and meets the emotional and social needs of our children. I recommend this center for staff and parents alike!!
Inspiration Station Early Learning Center Replied:
You a wonderful teacher who always strives to learn more to implement in the classroom. I am proud to have such a nurturing and inspiring teacher.
Inspiration Station Early Learning Center Replied:
You a wonderful teacher who always strives to learn more to implement in the classroom. I am proud to have such a nurturing and inspiring teacher.
Steve & Erica FitzSimons gave Inspiration Station Early Learning Center a
5 star Review
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