Good morning. I have just finished the last class of HIC. It was intense.
But even worse, it's 100% up to me now. Normally that is easier to deal with, but now I have a higher expectation of myself. Looking back though, I wouldn't have paid for anything less.
When I first signed up for the class, I only had enough money for one installment. Then I got a job in two days. This isn't me. I would rather have an extensive to do list than a vague problem. So, here's why I made an exception.
Dan is the kind of teacher I know I will learn from. I know that everything he has to say can be used. I know because I integrated 90% of what I learned from his martial arts videos into my workouts. 90%! In any classroom, you're lucky to use half.
I knew I'd be signing up for something I wouldn't digest right away, but I didn't expect to see the world differently. It...