If you are at all LGBT, please don't go here out of solidarity.
In our conversation in person, once we had already taken 2 days of PTO, my wife mentioned she was trans. They said nothing about it at the time, so we continued onto the next step of the process, and paid them $1500 to move on with them. We were so excited. However, when I went into the portal, it said my application was closed and I was locked out of applying. They gave me a call 2 weeks later and told me they were just going to deny us flat out cause they don't want to deal with "trans issues", even though the dynamic of our relationship is completely cishet and it would not at all affect our ability to parent a child. They specifically didn't tell us this until after they took our money. They sent us a check, but made it out to the wrong name. Seeing this organizations name brings me scathing...
Gladney Center for Adoption Replied:
Reid, We appreciate you sharing your feedback with us. We apologize for the unfavorable experience you have had. Our accounting team is investigating your refund check to ensure a swift and accurate reimbursement of your application fee.
Gladney Center for Adoption Replied:
Reid, We appreciate you sharing your feedback with us. We apologize for the unfavorable experience you have had. Our accounting team is investigating your refund check to ensure a swift and accurate reimbursement of your application fee.
Reid Mulkey gave Gladney Center for Adoption a
1 star Review
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