I went through Gladney 2 different times. I had a son in 1991. I was only 16 and they kept every word. I got my pictures and upates. My parents then were the bigger influence on the adoption. Inread all these horror stories.. NOT TRUE. Then again i got pregnant in 2006. This time in my life i had 3 children youngest being 4 months old. I was terrified. I had my last yr of college, single and kids.
Wait.. It gets better. I go for my sono and it was TWINS!! Gladney was amazing. Huge difference is they let me make all the choices, no pressire, being high risk they mived me and my children next to hosipital. They took such good care of me and my children. My ooen adoption is just that. My parent's for our twins are a God send. Glafney has on both adoptions anytime i found we had medical issues they had one of the adoptive Rob & Renee and same with my son Jason in 91s adoptive...
Gladney Center for Adoption Replied:
Thank you, Kristi, for sharing your adoption experience!
Gladney Center for Adoption Replied:
Thank you, Kristi, for sharing your adoption experience!
Kristi Morgan gave Gladney Center for Adoption a
5 star Review
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