A beautiful setting for a visit on a fall day. The people who work there were so nice. We visited on a perfect day, Small crowd on this Wednesday morning, but constant cats coming or going from the parking lot for the time we were there.
There is a suggested donation of $20 to get through the gate. There is a home tour, the baseball field, and a gift shop. There are 2 other buildings on the property, but not opened today.
We pretended to play baseball with a bat for me and my husband used a glove and ball like he was going to throw a pitch. We didn't...just had someone snap a picture. There are bats, balls and gloves available to play if anyone is willing at no cost.
Also there is a heart which was carved into the top seat (during the movie) of the bench on the house side of the ball diamond.
A fun day for 2 old people on a beautiful day.
Gail Owens gave Field of Dreams Movie Site a
5 star Review
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