It's touristy. And the corn 🌽 is only ankle high in the late spring. This is reality not a movie. There is now a major league ballpark visible beyond left field, so that MLB billionaire owners can squeeze more out of fans, and ESPN can convince us we should watch their carefully crafted emotional montages, so we buy more autos and beers they are schlepping. There is a big gift shop and a nice bar for adults.
The house from the movie was cool, although the tours ended at like 4pm. We learned this after paying a "suggested donation" for parking. The tours were finished but the gift shop, snack bar and adults bar were open to take your money.
The highlight was seeing 10-year old kids playing on the actual field, despite their overly competitive coaches and parents trying to feel better about themselves, and living vicariously through young children....
Jon Gudorf gave Field of Dreams Movie Site a
3 star Review
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