These guys... can't begin to tell you how great they are! I set my purse on the back of my truck, but clearly not securely. It fell like an anvil to the ground. All contents stayed in, however, the corner of my phone took the brunt of the fall and zapped my screen. I stopped in because it was close to work and got an estimate. Let them know I was price shopping and had a few other places to stop, including my carrier ATT. Sadly, ATT referred me to several places that either weren't able to order a screen or would take up to a week. Yikes! Well, I circled back to DigitalDoc to let them know not only did they have the best price, but they were going to be the fastest, letting me opt for overnight delivery. Yes! The next morning they had prepped my phone so they could replace the screen the moment it arrived and let me know when it hit the door. Less than 24 hours after I killed my...