Very impressed with Curalin! I received the 3-bottle pack on March 28, 2019 but decided to start taking it on a Sunday (3/31/19). For several days I took it as directed on the bottle. At the same time, I was still taking Metformin 500 mg twice daily. After 4 days, my morning FSG has gone down noticeably. My FSG usually run above 110 mg/dl but now it runs 89-107 mg/dl. Since then I'm trying to find a balance between Metformin and Curalin. On the 5th day,I cut down my Curalin to 2 capsules twice a day along with Metformin. My plan was to use Curalin for a month & wait until I've had my quarterly blood work done with my primary MD before writing a review of the product. And I got good news from my MD---my A1C last January was 8.1 & now, it's 7.2. I've had 3 incidents in the past during noontime where my FSG went down to 68 mg/dl with accompanying symptoms. So today, I skipped a...
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