I signed up for a start your childcare business webinar... The amount of information she gave us for free that day 😳 (SOO many thanks for that) from building a simple business plan, to understanding the sq ft usage, to even asking for 3 months of free rent. She challenged us to call our state the next day I called 5 different organizations, did my childcare orientation for my state, and set up coaching at my local childcare resource connection. She was so excited about helping others open their centers I only wish I had the funds to partake at the moment because you can tell they were ready and willing to help you reach your goal. And she's down to earth!!! I'd recommend learning as much as you can, taking the bootcamp, and just joining the association.
A huge thank you for every resource you all shared with us. I'm coming as soon as I can afford it, to learn, to give,...
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