My transmission was completely gone and this was the place that was recommended to me by two people. I was not steered wrong by any means, the owner Johnny White gave me the estimate personally, explained the what's and why's and immediately got started working my car in, with the other cars they already were working on and it ended up being ready 3 days earlier than quoted. A new transmission is expensive no matter what but the price quote I was given came in very close to what my final cost was. The bottom line is my suv now runs great!! It actually runs better than it ever has, even when it was brand new.! I am very happy with my whole experience at Aamco White Lane. Carol, the office manager, was also very pleasant and helpful as well as extremely knowledgeable about the work they do, which was a welcome breath of fresh air! I would highly recommend this Aamco to anyone who needs...
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Kirsten Hoffman gave Aamco Transmissions a
5 star Review