My daughter started out at a daycare in Loganville when she was about 1 1/2 and she was there for a couple months and every day she would get out of the car to go into the daycare, as soon as we stepped foot in the front door she would start screaming, she would get to her classroom and she would lay in the floor, bang her head on the floor, kick her feet and scream at the top of her longs for roughly 3 hours, every single day! I ended up taking her out of that daycare and letting her go to my mother-in-law’s house every day for a couple months when I decided I needed to put her back in daycare so I struggled for a while with this decision and finally decided to try out AKW and let me tell you; BEST DECISION I’VE EVER MADE! My girl is in the 2K room with Ms. Britney, Ms. Rocky and Ms. Sam and my baby LOVES coming every am. She knows her routine and she rarely ever cries when I leave...
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Britney Garland gave A Kids World a
5 star Review